summer wools are very important if you are going away to a hot country you need a lightweight wool that will make light knits easy to transport in small bags.
for the summer rowan is always a good bet for easy to knit light wool and the new collaboration with Amy butler which includes a new book from designer martin storey which is rowan casual classics.
Amy butler has produced a wonderful range of new wools that are light as well as belle organic dk and aran weights which are a wonderful mix of 50%wool and 50%cotton both of which are organic.
all are avalible from www.getknitted.com .
all are avalible from www.getknitted.com .
Hi Yarn Mayhem, love the blog and agree summer knits are a must, especially in natural fibres. I am obsessed with alpaca and am going to learn how to spin it in the summer, it would be great for the summer. Light and very soft.